Soon, Not Even 1 Percent Of Fortune 500 Companies Will Have Black CEOs
Read More: There are other reasons why women and minorities are so rare at the highest echelons of corporate America. Unconscious biases against people who don’t look like a “typical” (aka white male) leader can make it harder for top female and minority leaders to climb the corporate ladder. Though…

African-American CEOs and Senior Executives Call for Greater Diversity
Read More: The ELC is taking the lead on elevating the issue of diversity and inclusion in corporate America because recent statistics have raised concerns about minority representation, specifically for African Americans, at the senior levels in corporate America. In fact, of the more than 35,000 senior executive positions at…

Only 5 black CEOs at 500 biggest companies
Read More: The highest echelon of Corporate America just became even more white. The Wednesday announcement that Don Thompson will retire as CEO of McDonald’s leaves just two CEOs who are African-American in the elite Dow 30