GBMD’s Diverse Leaders reach their full potential

GBMD (Give Back Make A Difference, Inc.) is a 501 (c) (3) non profit organization whose mission is to be the premier unifying and educational network of students and professionals that embrace diversity, achieve their full leadership potential and engage in community service. There are 4 parts to our approach facilitated through mentoring and workshops. The fourth of which is done to ensure our work continues onto future generations.

Our 4 Part Approach

1) LEADERSHIP: Learn what it takes to be a leader in today’s environment. Whether you’re just starting out, or trying to get past middle management, we know the skills and knowledge you need to reach your full potential.  Most people develop their career development plans based on performance reviews. Unfortunately, these reviews don’t cover what’s required to perform the job of your manager’s boss.

2) CULTURAL VALUES AND SOCIAL BIASES: Discover your cultural values and learn to them along with and others’ Social Biases. Where you come from is as important as where you want to go, and how people perceive you is as important as how you actually are. Understanding where you have been and where people think you have been, will enable you to navigate your future path to the Executive Suite.

3) EXPERIENCE: Save a decade or more by tapping into the experience of successful retirees. Talk to them about what works and doesn’t … no more trial and error. GBMD sets itself apart from others with its mentoring relationships with retirees. Baby boomers are eager to pass on their lessons learned to ensure that future generations repeat their successes, and avoid their mistakes.

4) GIVE BACK: Learn the formula to retire early and make a difference for others. It’s never too early to plan for the retirement, and there’s no one else better to do this than our successful retirees. Plus, we want you to retire as early as possible so that you can join GBMD in giving back and making a difference.

In addition to it’s mentoring relationships, GBMD differentiates itself from others by focusing on social biases. The term social biases differs from discrimination in that social biases are prejudicial beliefs, whereas discrimination refers to prejudicial behavior. There are laws to protect people from discrimination, and organizations that are helping to eradicate it, but there’s no focus on social biases. Our belief is that social biases will always exist, and therefore, to reach one’s full potential, it is to everyone’s benefit to address them.


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