How to Overcome Unconscious and Hidden Biases
Read More: Buried prejudice and biases are surprisingly influential underpinnings to all the decisions we make, affecting our feelings and consequently actions. And there are times when not recognizing this influence on your choices and decision making can do more harm than good. Primarily it is very important to understand…

Asian-Americans Can Overcome Personal Branding Challenges: An Interview with Doreen Woo Ho
Read More: “Personal branding can be a challenge for anyone. But it can be especially hard for Asians. Changing the racial stereotype of Asians as meek geeks requires that Asians be more visible, stronger leaders and better at self-marketing. The latter is hard for many Asians who have been taught…

Why I had to unlearn lessons from my Asian-American upbringing
Read More: “Selective colleges are open about the fact that they consider qualities such as intellectual curiosity and leadership potential in making their decisions. And as they should – it is unlikely for someone to leave a mark on society just because of good test scores and even less so…